Your Real Estate A.I. “Swiss Knife”

Disclosures Analysis, Powerful Comps. & Valuations, Local Market Summaries and Beautiful Charts

Effortlessly analyze documents

  • Securely upload inspections, disclosures, advisories, agreements
  • Tombot generates a concise, but comprehensive summary
  • View an interactive “smart report” of summaries by sub-sections
  • Ask Tombot questions about your documents (voice / chat)

Flexible and powerful comps.


CLAIDEN is Tombot’s “condition and locality-aware A.I. adjustments and valuations engine”. Whew, that’s a mouthful!

Simply put, this engine uses proprietary data points about the most recent property condition of comps to apply or suggest highly accurate and relevant price adjustments to the target property. Being property condition-aware unlocks fair and precise market valuations that no known tool is able to provide.

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More precise valuations


Tombot’s underlying CLAIDEN engine is further able to combine its property condition awareness with locality awareness - hyperlocal area and street level data points - to produce the TomScore.

TomScore therefore is an organically more accurate and fairer valuation of the target property when compared to generic internet valuations.

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Local market snapshots and reports


Need to knit together an elegant snapshot around the condition of the local market while not having to search for, crunch data, or subscribe to half a dozen different sources and newsletters? Simply ask Tombot to generate a local market summary for you, complete with small narratives, charts and key metrics.

*coming soon

Advanced Charts


Simple listing price snapshots, or inventory YoY snapshots don’t give you the complete picture of shifting real estate trends in the market. Tombot’s Data Scientists have decades of analytics experience and believe that charts are a powerful way of understanding market trends that shouldn’t be limited to financial analytics firms.

Simply ask Tombot to generate charts like:

  • Price Trends: listing/selling/$psqft/selling:listing ratio, etc.
  • Inventory Trends: Absorption rates, CapEx rates, etc.
  • Other: Intuitive heatmaps to see hotspots of SFH sales, Flips, etc.

You can ask Tombot to slice and dice the above by bedroom segments, timelines & many other property features to get as accurate a view as needed.

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Property Valuation icon
Appraisal Glyph Icon
API Icon



For financial analysts and firms that want access to the results of our proprietary extracted data and inferences to power things like long term market analyses, forecasting, etc. we have robust, RESTFUL APIs available.

*coming soon

Who is Tombot for?

Confident employer
Couple of Seniors Holding a House Keys
Happy well-being homeowners, first house buyers family portrait
Happy Realtor
Wall street



Real Estate Professionals

Real Estate Brokerages

Finance Research/ Analytics Firms


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About Us

We are a versatile trio, comprised of a real estate veteran of over 20 years, Silicon Valley software engineer and A.I. scientist. Additionally, as property owners, housing providers, real estate investors, and previous renters, we’ve been starved for quality real estate data and analysis that’s easily accessible in a centralized tool. This is why we created Tombot!

Tombot’s guiding principle is to help you capitalize on the Real Estate industry’s inevitable shift into streamlining processes, documents, and metrics via A.I. adoption. We want to make its powerful features available to the buyer, seller, RE professional - all the parties involved in a real estate transaction and more - in order to create a fairer and more accessible real estate marketplace.